Carrefour Express
(Kosher section)
Via Carducci 8/r - Florence
(Butcher (Kosher on demand))
Central Market - Banco 25 - Leghorn
via dei Pensieri, 3/a - Leghorn
Carrefour Market
(Kosher section)
Viale Ergisto Bezzi, 4 - Milan
+39.02 406307
Open Daily
Carrefour Market
(Kosher section)
Via Soderini, 48 - Milan
Carrefour Market 24H
(Kosher section)
Piazzale Siena, 5 - 20146 Milan
+39.02 4009 2123
Open 24/7
(Kosher Products)
Via della Braida 2 - Milan
Denzel Sweet Bakery
Via Soderini 55 - Milan
+39.02 412 5166
Certification: Rabbinical Office of Milan, Pat Israel
Open Closed first three weeks of August.
(Kosher Store)
Via Soderini 27 - Milan
Kasher King
(Kosher Products and Meat Store)
Via Marcona 1 - Milan
+39.02.5511219, Cell: +39.335.6002449, +39.338.7735139
Kosher Paradise
(Kosher Store and baked goods)
Viale S. Gimignano 13 - Milan
Responsible: Lilly Levi;
Telephone: +39.349-6977864 ;
Mister Meat
(Meat Store)
Via Montecuccoli, 21 - Milan
Certification: Rabbinical Office of Milan
Panetteria Biffi Giovanni
Via Sardegna, 35 - Milan
Certification: Rabbi A. Teherani
Conad Sapori e dintorni
(Kosher section)
Via Alabardieri, 8 - 80121 Naples
+39.081 400302
Antico Forno del Ghetto
Piazza Costaguti, 31 - 00186 Rome
Certification: Beth Din Rome, Pat Israel
Babani Ben David
(Meat Store)
Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 70 - Rome
Certification: Beth Din Rome
Bet Kosher
(Kosher Products with Delivery Service)
via Cesare Pascarella, 36 - Rome
Responsible: Alberto Terracina, David Moscati;
Telephone: +39.393 332 7596 ;
(Pastry shop)
Via Portico d'Ottavia, 1 - Rome
Certification: Beth Din Rome, Chalav Israel
Centro Kasher
(Meat Store)
Via Fonteiana 24a/26 - Rome
Certification: Beth Din Rome
Responsible: Claudio Spizzichino;
(Kosher section)
Viale Somalia, 275 - 00199 Rome
+39.06 8621 7219
Da Zakino
Via Cremona 48a - Rome
Responsible: Zakino Hadoug;
Kosher Delight
(Kosher Store)
Via S. Gherardi, 18 - Rome
Responsible: Avi Ouazzana;
Kosher Delight
(Kosher Products and Meat)
Via S. Gherardi, 44 - Rome
Certification: Beth Din Rome
Responsible: Avi Ouazzana;
Kosher Delight
(Kosher Products)
Via Portico d'Ottavia, 11 - Rome
Responsible: Avi Ouazzana;
Kosher Delight
(Kosher Products, Meat and Fast Food)
Via Giacomo Boni, 18 - Rome
Certification: Beth Din Rome
Kosher Wines - Supergal
(wines and dry products)
Piazza Cenci 65 - Rome
+39.348 6914239
(Meat Store)
Via C. Pascarella, 24/26-28 - Rome
Certification: Beth Din Rome
Responsible: Graziano Spizzichino;
Rephael Hasitonaì
(Meat Shop)
Via Francesco Maurolico, 28 - 00146 Rome
Responsible: Raffaele Hassan;
Telephone: +39.328 1685099 ;
(Meat Store)
Via Maria del Pianto, 62 - 00186 Rome
Certification: Beth Din Rome
Conad City
(Supermarket with Kosher Section)
Via Aurelia, 281 - 00058 Santa Marinella
+39.0766 512840
Open During the summer
Jewish Community
(Kosher Store)
Piazza Giotti, 4 - Trieste
Carrefour Express
(Kosher section)
Via Emanuele II, 38 - Turin
Carrefour Express
(Kosher section)
Largo Mentana, 8 - Turin
Carrefour Market
(Kosher section)
Via Madama Cristina, 66 - Turin